

    The following is a disclaimer for the use of this website. Please read it carefully. If you continue to use this website, it means that you have read and accepted this disclaimer. If you do not agree with the provisions in the disclaimer, please do not use this website.

    The sole purpose of providing information on this website is to provide information to the public, so there is no express or implied warranty.

    This website is created with good intentions, but the information contained in it cannot be guaranteed to be complete and accurate. We cannot verify all information. You should be aware that our information may be incomplete, have omissions or be somewhat delayed. Neither this website nor independent information providers will be responsible for any actions taken due to any incorrect, incomplete, delayed information or reliance on the information on this website. We recommend that you consult your financial advisor to ensure the accuracy of the information before engaging in any transaction.

    We reserve the right to add, delete or modify any information on the website at any time. Your access to this website means that you agree not to further disseminate the information on this website.

    To the extent permitted by the laws of the competent jurisdiction, we will not be liable to any person for any loss (including indirect, special or any other reason) arising from the use of or reliance on the information contained in or obtained through this website. If the laws of the competent jurisdiction prohibit this provision, our liability will be limited to providing such information again.

    We do not accept any liability for any loss resulting from the use of this website, even if it is caused by the website's error, negligence or intent. We also cannot guarantee that this website is free from virus infection. Like all other online transactions, we cannot guarantee that every transaction will not be intercepted, interfered with or free from virus infection by others. We also do not assume any responsibility for your failure to receive any information or for any information being accessed by any unauthorized third party. If the law of the jurisdiction does not allow total exemption of liability, then our total liability to you is limited to the cost of browsing this website on the Internet (i.e. the post office's Internet access charges).

    We are not responsible for the information on other websites linked to this website. You access and use those websites at your own risk. We have no control over and cannot be held responsible for the information on other websites linked to this website. We provide hyperlinks only for the convenience of users of this website. We do not verify or endorse the content of these linked websites or the source of their information.

    You must not regard the content of this website as financial, legal, tax or any other advice. As professionals providing financial consulting services, we welcome you to seek independent financial advice from us before using the information on this website.